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Clinical Trials/Studies Recruiting for Participants provides patients, their family members, and the public with easy and free access to information on clinical studies for a wide range of diseases and conditions.
Age 40+ NF1
Genome Study
Register with the NF Registry at Registering with the NF Registry is an important tool in NF research to find a cure and treatments. The participation of NF patients is vital.
Register yourself or your child who has NF. By registering you will receive updates and/or invitations for studies and trials that you may be eligible for. Also, the information you provide may be shared anonymously with qualified researchers as a summary of patient data about NF symptoms.
Dr. Bonnie Klein-Tasman's group at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee is examining the effectiveness of a telehealth group for improving peer relationships for teens with NF1. This study is recruiting teens with NF1, ages 12 to 17, and their parents or caregivers. The teens and parents will participate separately in sessions designed to improve peer relationships and social skills.
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